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Vampire-Witch Hybrids are Vampires that have the ability to practice Witchcraft. Since any creature can practice Magic, either because they were witches before they were bitten or because the parents were a vampire and a witch. Witches could be turned into vampires, while retaining the magic powers they had in life. Because of their abilities in magic, they may be able to overcome the limitations most vampires have these. In every piece of prose that they are mentioned in, they have always been shown as formidabaly powerful.


Mystically empowered vampire, with well rounded arcane powers and have tremendous magical power. These abilities may be the result of Mystic vampires being Human Mages before they were turned or they were descendants from a long line of witches and warlocks and have been turned, but other origins are possible, for example being turned or buried onto a mystically significant place.

Mystic vampires can overcome the limitations most vampires have, because of their magical abilities.



Witch-vampire hybrids can be created by birth between a witch and a vampire or can common/student witch be turned into one by the blood of vampires. Or, could be the result of a pure blooded witch being afflicted/cursed with vampirism. Usually the parents of a hybrid can be executed because it's forbidden for a vampire and a witch have any sexual relations with each other.

Studying Magic after being Sired[]

Some vampires seek to study magic under the guidance of a mentor and eventually become witches themselves. This method has been applied in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comics.

Siphoner being Turned into a Vampire[]

Some witches, called Siphoners, are born with a mutation to only steal, or siphon, magic from other power sources instead of generating power themselves. After being turned, they can siphon magic from the energy that keeps vampires alive and use it as the source of their magic. This method has been applied in The Vampire Diaries and Legacies



Witch-vampire hybrids that have or haven’t triggered there magic they have a temper whenever sad, mad, or etc. there emotions are amplified due to being half vampire.


Witch-vampire hybrids are supernaturally beautiful whenever they reach adulthood.



Some witch-vampire hybrids can know about their race while others don’t due to their parents sending them away before being executed. Whenever witch-vampire hybrids reach maturity due to their vampire side they will start crave blood. Their strength increases with age and the consumption of blood. Due to their witch side, they will trigger there magic during puberty (11-17).

Powers & Abilities[]

Hybrids inherent powers of both vampires and witches but to greater degrees, making them incredibly powerful supernatural creatures. Hybrids possess a wide array of additional powers including:

Vampiric Abilities[]

  • Superhuman Strength - The superior physical strength of a witch-vampire hybrids compared to that of a human is a prominent theme. Witch-vampire hybrids are stronger than humans and vampires, and due to their vampire heritage they become stronger with age. A young witch-vampire hybrids can easily overpower normal Vampires. They can easily lift hundred times its own weight, punch through brick walls and bend steel, iron and metal objects with its own hands. Due to their witch side, a witch-vampire hybrids has a deep connection with the earth she actually draws strength from the planet. Has a can augment her to 100+ tons to even incalculable levels.
  • Superhuman Speed - Witch-vampire hybrids are extremely quick, moving faster than the human eye can possibly see. They can run in excess of 100 miles per hour. The creature’s sheer speed, combined with its unnatural stealth, makes it impossible for the witch-vampire hybrid’s prey to detect or escape from the witch-vampire hybrid until it is too late. Witch-vampire hybrids are able to avoid gunfire easily, and reacts with unnatural quickness to any threat, due to the creature’s superhuman reflexes.
  • Superhuman Stamina - Witch-vampire hybrids can move at great speeds for a long time and it is nearly impossible to tire a witch-vampire hybrids. Their bodies produce fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity and due to their vampire side they do not need to sleep and do not require oxygen or food.
  • Superhuman Agility - Witch-vampire hybrids have supernatural agility, making them able to scale sheer surfaces (vertical or horizontal) much like a spider. They can jump incredibly farther than most humans and can jump from roof to roof and building to building,
  • Superhuman Reflexes - Witch-vampire hybrids can dodge bullets and react with unnatural quickness, such as catching a projectile in mid-air.
  • Superhuman Durability - Witch-vampire hybrids are invulnerable to most forms of injury. Bullets, blades and blunt objects do little to no damage to a witch-vampire hybrid's body.
  • Superhuman Senses - Witch-vampire hybrid's senses of sight, smell, hearing, and touch are of supernatural keenness, comparable on many levels to a bat’s. Their senses are heightened to 11. The witch-vampire hybrids can see with perfect clarity in the dark and can see heat signatures from a body or object. witch-vampire hybrids hearing is beyond that of a bat or an owl, due to their vampire side they have a bat's echolocation, they can also hear a heartbeat in a cave at a distance of over 30 feet. A witch-vampire hybrids sense of smell is so enhanced that they can smell other living creatures within over 100 feet, and due to their vampire side they can tell individual people by their blood and can figure out that persons race, gender, age, blood type, health status and eating habits. Due to their vampire side with their sense of touch a hybrid can feel the heartbeat of someone through a thick wall, it can also detect the vibrations of footsteps. Due to their vampire side a witch-vampire hybrids can sense impending danger (usually posed by humans).
  • Superhuman Stealth - Due to their Vampire side witch-vampire hybrids have supernatural stealth allowing them to stalk their pray.
  • Healing Factor - Due to both their vampire side a witch-vampire hybrids can heal at even a faster rate than enhanced. In addition to being virtually indestructible, whatever damage a witch-vampire hybrids does in fact suffer can be healed.
  • Conversion - A witch-vampire hybrids can turn human into a vampire with a bite.
  • Flight - The unique ability known to older vampires to defy gravity and move towards anywhere in the air. Newborn vampires have a lesser variation of this power; they can land silently and carefully by floating down to the ground during falls. Witch-vampire hybrids can further use this ability by magic.
  • Vampirism - A vampire-witch hybrids can enhance its vampires features such as its fangs. A vampire-witch hybrids can even see the blood flow and brain activity of a human.
  • Shapeshifting - Due to their vampire side a witch-vampire hybrids can shapeshift into a cloud of bats, mist, a single bat and a wolf.
  • Hypnosis - Due to their vampire side a witch-vampire hybrids can hypnotize people into doing their bidding.
  • Immortality - Due to their vampire side a witch-vampire hybrids is immortal and can live for centuries.
  • Daytime Walking - Due to their Witch side a witch-vampire hybrids can walk in the sunlight with no issue unlike most vampires.

Witch Powers[]

  • Magic - The ability to channel supernatural energy to induce and manipulate events and phenomena. Magic can often be split into dark and light, though depending on the situation, can also be neutral. Magic can be studied by anyone and, in rare cases, can be caused by genetic heredity that connects witches to the elements and forces of nature.
    • Conjuration - The act of create, calling, commanding, or summoning an object, person, or spirit already in existence.
    • Divination - The ability to gain insights on the future, the present, and the past through divination tools.
    • Reality Warping - The ability to change the nature or form or physical reality.
    • Elemental Control - The act of controlling and manipulating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, and weather.
    • Channeling - The act of channeling or drawing other forms of energy and power by focusing on celestial events.
    • Teleportation - The ability to travel to another spot in space without having to transverse the distance between the two points.
    • Necromancy - The act of controlling and manipulating the power of death and controlling undead corpses.
    • Pain Infliction - The act of creating and inflicting excruciating pain upon another person, especially supernatural beings.
    • Mind Control - The ability to controlling and manipulating minds.
    • Mind Stunning - The act of bemusing and rendering someone unconscious.
    • Clairsentience - The ability to feel things outside the range of normal perception.
    • Precognition - The act of foreseeing future events and happenings.
    • Clairvoyance - The ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses.
    • Telepathy - The ability to read the minds of others and project one's thoughts into others' minds.
    • Mediumship - The act to see and communicate with ghosts.
    • Empathy - The ability to sense or feel emotions.
    • Glamour - The ability to create an illusion so real that it is to fool any on-looker.
    • Auramancy - The ability to see other people's auras.
    • Invocation - The act of calling the spirits of the dead or divine beings into a circle or into the self.
    • Resurrection - The act to resurrect the dead, could be others or could be oneself.
    • Conversion - Ability to transform a being into another, change their species.
    • Life-Force Absorption - The ability to draw life energy into oneself.
    • Invisibility - The ability to render oneself unavailable to the sense of sight.
    • Chronokinesis - The ability to control and manipulate time in all directions.
    • Spell Casting - The act of changing and controlling events through the use of incantations, ritual and more by magical influence.
    • Superhuman Strength - Invoking demons or other spirits, can give witches great strength, making them physically powerful then normal humans.
    • Superhuman Durability - Invoking demons or other spirits, can give witches be physically tougher than humans, more resistant to injury, and to be able to endure pain longer and easier.
    • Spiritual Sensing - The ability to feel spiritual activity.
    • Flight - The act of levitate and fly or rising ones body in the air by supernatural means.
    • Telekinesis - The act of controlling and manipulating the movements of objects and persons.
    • Longevity - Live much longer than a normal human. Some are even potentially immortal.
    • Hypnosis - The ability to put someone in a submissive trance.
    • Voice Manipulation - The ability to manipulate once's or other's voices.
    • Technopathy - The ability to control and manipulate technology.
    • Biokinesis - The ability to control the biology or biological condition of other beings.
    • Healing - The act of heal injuries and diseases.
    • Persuasion - The ability to control a person through verbal commands.
    • Possession - The ability to control living beings by entering their body.
    • Potion Brewing - The act of brewing and concocting supernatural elixirs and potions that contain mystical properties.
    • Psychometry - Obtaining information of past events about a person or object.
    • Transmutation - The ability to change one thing (objects, people, animals, etc.), into another.
    • Ergokinesis - The ability to project and absorb, and manipulate energy for various effects.
    • Leptokinesis - The ability to manipulate matter on a molecular level.
    • Animal Communication - The ability to perceive, communicate with and/or command animals.
    • Petrification - The ability to turn beings or objects into stone.
    • Portal Creation - The ability to create portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations.
    • Power Removal - The ability to temporarily or permanently strip one's powers.
    • Power Granting - The ability to grant powers to another being.
    • Power Negation - The ability to prevent the powers of others activate when the user wants to use them.


Due to their combined natures, Hybrids are unaffected by sunlight, reflection, garlic, wooden stakes, religious iconography, roses.

  • Disbelief - The act of denying or disbelieving in one's potential could cause the witch-vampire hybrids to inadvertently suppress their magical power.
  • Distraction - Denying the witch-vampire hybrids from concentrating or giving full attention to her spells, may render them ineffective.
  • Emotions - The witch-vampire hybrid's magic is subject to the influence of her emotional state and may fluctuate according to them when untrained. According to Sheila Bennett, strong emotions such as worry and anger can fuel a witch's power while emotions such as fear may prevent a witch from properly accessing their powers.
  • Decapitation - Dismembering or removing the head of a witch-vampire hybrids will result in instant death.
  • Heart Extraction - The act of removing a witch-vampire hybrid's heart will result in death.
  • Invitation - Due to their vampire heritage, witch-vampire hybrids are unable to enter a home without an invitation.
  • Silver - Because vampires this weakness, witch-vampire hybrids are burned by silver.
  • Holy Ground - Because both vampires and satanic witches share this weakness, witch-vampire hybrids are burned by holy ground.
  • Dismemberment - Dismemberment is a grisly process that involves hacking off the hybrid’s limbs, one by one, to prevent them from rising from the grave and attacking the living. Obviously, any witch-vampire hybrids is going to find it to be impossible to get up, wander around, and feed without its arms or legs. Ideally, this should be done with a sword or a woodsman’s axe.
  • Angels - Angels can kill them without difficulty.
  • Dawnbreaker - Forged in a holy light that breaks upon foes, burning away corruption and false life.
  • Magic - Witch-vampire hybrids are susceptible to the powers of magic and can be harmed or killed by powerful magic.
  • Overexertion - The excessive use of magic could lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, death. As a activated vampire, death seems temporary.

Known Vampire-Witch[]

  • Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comics)
  • Kumiko Ishihara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer )
  • Hope Mikaelson (The Originals/Legacies); Witch-Werewolf-Vampire
  • Lizzie Saltzman (Legacies)
  • The Heretics (The Vampire Diaries)
    • Malachai Parker
    • Valerie Tulle
    • Nora Hildegard
    • Mary Louise
    • Oscar
    • Beau
    • Malcolm